La mia anagrafica


Gestione dati sportello

Gestione dati sportello

Le mie domande
Area operatori
Riferimenti sportello
Domande inoltrate: elenco

to start and manage a business

Bar and catering in locations not open to the public
Catering, banqueting, chef at home, home food, home restaurant, villa, historic estate, ATECO 56.29

Serving food and beverages can be performed in locations not open to the public, including by catering and banqueting. 

The domicile of the consumer is the place/location where the consumer is located, even temporarily, for personal, business, study, entertainment, or leisure purposes.



  1. Anti-mafia requirements of all the individuals prescribed by Article 85 of Italian Legislative Decree dated September 6 2011, number 159
  2. Moral requirements pursuant to Article 71 of Italian Legislative Decree dated March 26 2010, number 59 of all the individuals prescribed by Article 85 of Italian Legislative Decree dated September 6 2011, number 159
  3. Professional requirements:
  • of the owner or the designated supervisor
  • of the legal representative or the designated supervisor

for the sale of food products, prescribed by Article 71 of Italian Legislative Decree dated March 26 2010, number 59.


The designated supervisor must be appointed when the activity is not directly exercised by the owner or legal representative.

The designated supervisor may also be the T.U.L.P.S. representative, which is the individual who permanently replaces the owner or legal representative, taking his/her place in his/her name and on his/her behalf. The T.U.L.P.S. representative is a figure specified in Articles 8 and 93 of Italian Royal Decree dated June 6 1931, number 773.



When the administration is carried out in the locations indicated in Article 68 of Regional Law 29/05, the exercise of the activity is subject to the compliance of the premises with the sanitary and hygienic regulations and those relating to public safety of the premises, as far as they are compatible.


The premises housing private clubs in which the serving of food to members is undertaken are permitted to have any zoning/building use. Access to the premises must not be from the public street, in compliance with Italian Ministerial Decree dated December 17 1992, number 564.


The start of the activity is subject to a certified notification of business opening (SCIA).


SCIA documentation is prescribed by SECTION I - COMMERCE AND SIMILAR ACTIVITIES - POINT 1 - ESTABLISHMENTS PROVIDING FOOD AND DRINK Activity number 3.1 of table A annexed to Italian Legislative Decree dated November 25 2016, number 222

The following is recommended before filling in any information:

  • consulting the Telematic compilation guide
  • selecting the appropriate procedure from the list on the right-hand side of this tab, in order to learn about the necessary forms and annexes to be completed.

Inspections are conducted by:

  • L.R. 5 dicembre 2005, n. 29 Normativa organica in materia di attività commerciali e di somministrazione di alimenti e bevande. Modifica alla legge regionale 16 gennaio 2002, n. 2 <<Disciplina organica del turismo>>
  • D.P.Reg. 23 marzo 2007, n. 069/Pres. Regolamento di esecuzione degli articoli 12, comma 3, e 15, comma 3, della legge regionale 5 dicembre 2005, n. 29, in materia di urbanistica commerciale e programmazione per le medie e grandi strutture di vendita
  • Decreto ministeriale 17 dicembre 1992, n. 564 Regolamento concernente i criteri di sorvegliabilita' dei locali adibiti a pubblici esercizi per la somministrazione di alimenti e bevande
  • R.D. 6 giugno 1931, n. 773 Testo unico delle leggi di P.S. (T.U.L.P.S.)
  • R.D. 6 maggio 1940, n. 635 Approvazione del regolamento per l'esecuzione del testo unico 18 giugno 1931-IX, n. 773, delle leggi di pubblica sicurezza
  • D. Lgs 6 settembre 2011, n. 159 Codice delle leggi antimafia e delle misure di prevenzione, nonche' nuove disposizioni in materia di documentazione antimafia, a norma degli articoli 1 e 2 della legge 13 agosto 2010, n. 136
  • D.P.R. 3 giugno 1998, n. 252 Regolamento recante norme per la semplificazione dei procedimenti relativi al rilascio delle comunicazioni e delle informazioni antimafia
  1. circoli privati
  2. home restaurant
Ultimo aggiornamento: Thu Aug 11 16:40:00 CEST 2022