La mia anagrafica


Gestione dati sportello

Gestione dati sportello

Le mie domande
Area operatori
Riferimenti sportello
Domande inoltrate: elenco

to start and manage a business

Agritourism accommodation and catering
Farm, cultivation, forestry, animal husbandry, aquaculture, fishing, agricultural entrepreneur, agricultural producer, tourism, ATECO 55.23.5

Agritourism activities are reception, hospitality, and catering activities performed by agricultural entrepreneurs who are listed in the register pursuant to Article 8 of Italian Law dated December 29 1993, number 580, and by cooperative societies listed in the regional register of cooperatives pursuant to Regional Law dated December 3 2007, number 27.

The agritourism activity must be connected and complementary to the agricultural activity, which must remain the main activity.


The agritourism activity includes two distinct enterprises, the agricultural and the commercial



Registration in the provincial list of agritourism operators, established at the business registry office of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts, and Agriculture.


Professional requirements for registration on the list of agritourism operators


Registration in the special section of the Company Register pursuant to Article 2188 and subsequent articles of the Italian Civil Code, or registration of cooperative societies in the regional register of cooperatives pursuant to Regional Law dated December 3 2007, number 27.


Moral requirements for the following individuals:

  • the owner of the sole proprietorship
  • for partnership companies, by all the partners
  • for other legal persons, by all the directors
  • the designated supervisor


Anti-mafia requirements of all the individuals indicated in Article 85 of Italian Legislative Decree dated September 6 2011, number 159

Absence of the conditions prescribed by Articles 11 and 92 of Italian Royal Decree dated June 18 1931, number 773





The performance of agritourism activities does not result in a deviation from the agricultural use of the land and the buildings involved.

Premises intended for agritourism use must meet the health and hygiene requirements of Municipal building regulations for civil dwellings and the requirements of Italian Presidential Decree dated October 11 2011, number 0234/Pres.

For the purposes of carrying out agritourism activities, the current regional regulations on the operation of accommodation facilities do not apply.


The classification of agritourism businesses is limited only to those that carry out reception and hospitality activities.

Self-classification, proposed by the agritourism operator when submitting SCIA, taking into account the scoring tables contained in Annex B to Italian Presidential Decree dated October 11 2011, number 0234/Pres, is validated by ERSA by means of a subsequent decree.

Regional Law 11/14 repealed the obligation to communicate to the Municipality with territorial jurisdiction the minimum and maximum accommodation prices to be charged for the following year and the opening period.


The start of the activity is subject to a certified notification of business opening (SCIA). 


SCIA is prescribed by Article 19 of Italian Law dated August 7 1990, number 241.

The following is recommended before filling in any information:

  • consulting the Telematic compilation guide
  • selecting the appropriate procedure from the list on the right-hand side of this tab, in order to learn about the necessary forms and annexes to be completed

Inspections are conducted by:



  • D. Lgs 6 settembre 2011, n. 159 Codice delle leggi antimafia e delle misure di prevenzione, nonche' nuove disposizioni in materia di documentazione antimafia, a norma degli articoli 1 e 2 della legge 13 agosto 2010, n. 136
  • D.P.R. 3 giugno 1998, n. 252 Regolamento recante norme per la semplificazione dei procedimenti relativi al rilascio delle comunicazioni e delle informazioni antimafia
Ultimo aggiornamento: Tue Aug 16 16:40:00 CEST 2022