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Domande inoltrate: elenco

Furnished housing units for tourist use
Flats, holiday homes, tourists, ATECO 55.20.51

Furnished housing units for tourist use are real estate units, consisting of one or more furnished rooms equipped with toilets and an autonomous kitchen, rented out to tourists during one or more seasons, for a maximum period of five consecutive months.

The activities may be managed in entrepreneurial, non-entrepreneurial, or non-direct form by real estate agencies or tourist property management companies under a mandate from the owners.

The business activities do not provide food and drink or centralised services.



  1. Article 85 of Italian Legislative Decree dated 6 September 2011, number 159 stipulates that only businesses are liable to anti-mafia inspections, therefore natural persons carrying out the activity of B&B in a non-entrepreneurial form are excluded from such inspections.
  2. Moral requirements of the owner, the legal representative, and the manager pursuant to Articles 11, 92, and 131 of Italian Royal Decree dated June 6 1931, number 773;


The manager is the T.U.L.P.S. representative, which means the individual who permanently substitutes the owner or legal representative, acting in his/her name and on his/her behalf. The T.U.L.P.S. representative is a role provided for in Articles 8 and 93 of Italian Royal Decree dated June 6 1931, number 773.





For town planning purposes, the operation of Furnished housing units for tourist use does not result in a modification of the intended use of the buildings being utilised.

The activities must possess the hygienic-sanitary and building requirements established by regional and municipal legislation for residential premises.


The facilities may only carry out a number of complementary activities only for the benefit of the individuals being accommodated.


Furnished housing units for tourist use are classified on the basis of the score obtained in accordance with the provisions of attachment <<I>> of Regional Law dated 9 December 2016, number 21

The classification is submitted by the owner of the activity.



Managers of tourist accommodation facilities shall communicate the personal details of the individuals they have lodged via the special website to the Police Headquarters responsible for the territory, pursuant to Article 109 of Italian Royal Decree dated June 18 193, number 773, and in compliance with the procedures set out in the Decree of the Italian Ministry of the Interior dated January 7 2013.

Using the telematic service WEBTUR - Regional Tourism Observatory - they shall communicate the movements of clients according to the statistical survey models.

The start of the activity is subject to a certified notification of business opening (SCIA).


SCIA documentation is prescribed by SECTION I - COMMERCE AND SIMILAR ACTIVITIES - POINT 4 - ACCOMMODATION AND SEASIDE FACILITIES Activity number 75 of table A annexed to Italian Legislative Decree dated November 25 2016, number 222.

The following is recommended before filling in any information:

  • consulting the Telematic compilation guide
  • selecting the appropriate procedure from the list on the right-hand side of this tab, in order to learn about the necessary forms and annexes to be completed.
  • L.R. 16 gennaio 2002 n. 2 Disciplina organica del turismo (limitatamente agli art. 87-88)
  • L.R. 9 dicembre 2016 n. 21 Disciplina delle politiche regionali nel settore turistico e dell'attrattività del territorio regionale, nonchè modifiche a leggi regionali in materia di turismo e attività produttive
  • D. P. Reg. 28 giugno 2017 n. 144  Regolamento concernente la disciplina delle caratteristiche della denominazione delle strutture ricettive turistiche, del loro segno distintivo e della sua pubblicità ai sensi dell’art. 40, comma 3 della legge regionale 9 dicembre 2016 n.21 (Disciplina delle politiche regionali nel settore turistico e dell’attrattività del territorio regionale, nonché modifiche a leggi regionali in materia di turismo e attività produttive)
  • L. R. 23 agosto 1985, n. 44 Altezze minime e principali requisiti igienico - sanitari dei locali adibiti ad abitazione, uffici pubblici e privati ed alberghi
  • R.D. 18 giugno 1931 n. 773 Testo unico delle leggi di pubblica sicuezza
  • R.D. 6 maggio 1940, n. 635 Approvazione del regolamento per l'esecuzione del testo unico 18 giugno 1931-IX, n. 773, delle leggi di pubblica sicurezza
  • D. M. INTERNO 7 gennaio 2013 Disposizioni concernenti la comunicazione alle autorita' di pubblica sicurezza dell'arrivo di persone alloggiate in strutture ricettive
  • D. Lgs 6 settembre 2011, n. 159 Codice delle leggi antimafia e delle misure di prevenzione, nonche' nuove disposizioni in materia di documentazione antimafia, a norma degli articoli 1 e 2 della legge 13 agosto 2010, n. 136
  • D.P.R. 3 giugno 1998, n. 252 Regolamento recante norme per la semplificazione dei procedimenti relativi al rilascio delle comunicazioni e delle informazioni antimafia
  • Regione Fvg
Ultimo aggiornamento: Mon Jul 24 09:40:00 CEST 2023