La mia anagrafica


Gestione dati sportello

Gestione dati sportello

Le mie domande
Area operatori
Riferimenti sportello
Domande inoltrate: elenco

Preparation of seltzer or soda water
Water, sparkling, carbonated, fizzy water, water with gas, seltzer, soda, mineral, spritz, cocktails

The presence of counter-top equipment for the impromptu preparation of seltzer or soda water in public establishments is subject to notification to the Municipality.




The equipment must be used exclusively for the preparation of carbonated drinks for direct serving at the counter and for serving at the tables of the business establishment. It is forbidden to fill bottles, soda siphons, and any other containers.

Health authorities implement health and hygiene inspections.

The start of the activity is subject to notification.


The notification is prescribed by Article 27 of Italian Presidential Decree dated May 19, number 719


The following is recommended before filling in any information:

  • consulting the Telematic compilation guide
  • selecting the appropriate procedure from the list on the right-hand side of this tab, in order to learn about the necessary forms and annexes to be completed.

Inspections are conducted by:

  • DPR 19 maggio 1958, n.719  (art 27)  Regolamento  per  la  disciplina  igienica  della  produzione  e  del commercio  delle  acque gassate e delle bibite analcooliche gassate e non gassate confezionate in recipienti chiusi
Ultimo aggiornamento: Thu Aug 11 11:34:00 CEST 2022